Based on the passage of 2 Samuel 12:1-14
Today during our small group teaching, we had a session regarding having a teachable attitude when instructed or corrected by others, putting aside how they do it, rather focusing on the issue at heart and the consequences to be faced.
The teacher pointed out 6 main points.
A Teachable Disposition...
1. Recognises that each one of us is ultimately accountable to the LORD
2. Accepts that God often uses human beings to instruct or to correct us
3. Takes seriously the Word of God
4. Gets at the heart of the issue when instructed or corrected
5. Makes no excuses when instructed or corrected
6. Bears the consequences of our actions and receives gratefully, mercy
Recognising that each of us is ultimately accountable to the LORD
12:1 God is acting to address the injustice that David had caused
- Nathan was the human Channel
- David simply says he has sinned against the LORD
We need to recognise God holds us accountable to everything we say and do.
Question to ponder:
1. Knowing that we are accountable to the LORD, how should this then affect the decisions we make when faced with temptations?
Accepts that often God uses human beings to instruct or to correct us
I.E God did not appear to David 'directly', rather he used Nathan to do it
The way Nathan did it in the beginning was not so confrontational. Nathan used a story to highlight the issue and got the person who's in the wrong to be able to relate to the story so that he could be on a common understanding with the person to talk about the basis of the wrong-doers actions.
Not everybody will be that patient, thoughtful and careful with the words they use to correct another person. Although they might have good intentions, but imperfect beings have imperfect methods.
We still need to recognise God uses people to correct us. Can be brothers & sisters or even Non - Cts.
An unteachable heart will often rationalise, but a teachable heart will even still learn from one who is imperfect. Let me listen to 'what' the person is saying, not how.
Question to ponder:
1. Is the issue the person talking about legitimate?
Takes seriously the Word of God
12:9 Word of God is the standards that helps us live consistently in what we say and do. We are measured to a standard.
Closely linked to the next point
Gets at the heart of the issue when instructed or corrected
Nathan's parable highlights the disparity of the power of the rich man vs. poor man.
12:7 The parable is being applied to David and Uriah
(Power Vs. Powerless)
The heart of the issue in this case was : Adultery
The basis is found in the ten commandments as the standard!
David finally recognises the issue. He didn't try to make excuses, or to try and justify himself or to try and rationalise.
Question to ponder:
1. At the heart of the issue, where should I base my standards on? My own preferences or own blibical absolutes/principles?
Seeks to identify the real issue
Makes no excuses when instructed or corrected
12:13 Adultery and murder has been talked about in scripture David. He knew the standards, recognises the issue and doesn't try to excuse himself.
Question to ponder:
1. After recognising the standards upon which i'm being compared to, what actions should i take to repent?
We have to take nevessary steps to address the situation
Bears the consequences of our actions and receives gratefully, mercy
12:14 Demands of murder was death. Although David was acquitted from death, however David's son would die.
David did not ask for mercy because God had already acted by sparing his life. However, David recognised that he still had to face the consequences of his sin.
He truly recognises that God carried out His judgement and David's only response is to accept the consequences of his wrongful actions but at the same time, to gratefully receive the mercy that has been given by God.
At the end of the day, being teachable understands that when we are confronted.
We have to Seek forgiveness, Accept the consequences of our actions by God's standards and to Repent!