Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Undeniable Power of Love

I've been contemplating for long, how to share this.
For this is something that has gripped me hard and for long enough a time.
Everytime I think about it, it still rips me apart from the inside and I believe that the only way
to move on, is to accept that it did happen and to recognise that's the first step to coming out a
better man of God, to love Him purely and passionately as well as for my brothers and sisters around me.

Love, we think it all happens in a moment. A flutter of the heart, a weird funny feeling we get in our tummies, sweet melodies that play in our heads all day... And then it begins.

Holding hands, exchanging promises, long hours on the phone and a million more by each other.
How far does it go? How far deep does it go into your heart? Very.
Each and every moment, is magical, each and every touch, is just out of this world.

For one single moment in your life, you suddenly realise you are part of somebody else's and you think to yourself:
"What if this could be and everyday of my life?" "What if?"

And then you begin, what if it doesn't last? What if it ends this very moment? It grips you hard and it
makes you toss and turn all night. You start to think, no, what could I do to make sure it doesn't happen?

Sometimes, when that happens, you realise that the relationship becomes a battle to retain what you love, for yourself.
It is no longer one where you do all things for the other's benefit, selflessly.
It is no longer one where you truly give of all yourself so that another might experience love.
It is no longer one, or maybe, it was never in the first place, one where you grew together in the experience of serving and honouring the Lord joyfully together with all of your lives, encouraging and spurring one another on to loving Him first, and to loving His people together as one.

But then it happens, just as you were coming to terms with the reality of the problem, the gaping hole that would tear any two lives apart in a split second - you enter deeply into another one's soul with one kiss.

You know how they say in movies or in fairytales, the power of a true love's kiss.

I wouldn't say every kiss was out of true love, but I believe the way that God designed a kiss, was truly beyond human control, comprehension and ability.

The design of a kiss.
It joins two lives deeply together in intimacy, a sharing of each other's flesh, a bridge between two souls.
This is a bond that truly is not meant for anything less then a relationship that was built upon God as the center of it, between two that has already become one in marriage.

Because on one hand, it can build you up, for the intertwining of two beings becoming one is a powerful force, especially between two lives that has been groomed and moulded by God for His work. This is when two really is better than one.
Two people who love Christ, who love His people, who wants to make Him known and to continue glorifying Him in the life that He has now given them to live in harmony forever.

On the other, it will tear you apart, for how does one become two again?
One can only become two halves, definitely less than the whole they were once.

That is why, a kiss, a touch, or even a simple word of love, is sacred.
For this is all the beginning of something way beyond man.

So be careful my friends, for you might be entering into realms which you are not prepared for.
May the good Lord continue to guide you into all understand of His truths, that you may live a life as He has intended.

My prayer in this lifetime, for myself, and for any of you who have come to terms with the sovereignty of the Lord is -

That may He keep my heart asleep to love, till the day He pleases. But till that moment, may He take my life, my entire life to doing His will solely by His terms and not mine, to loving all and not just one, equally and unmeasurably, selflessly and compassionately, all who are lost, all who are searching, all who have found, God as their King.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Flowery Language

Like a rose, our lives can seem so fragile...

The first petal - A break up.
The second petal - A fight with your parents.
The third petal - Lost a loved one.

Life begins to lose it's colour,
seems like the end is nearing,
but I've just got to stop and ask the question,
do we stop here or just keep carrying on.

But no, the question needs not be answered, for it's evident to me.
For an unspeakable force sends help from above,
And I find myself moving on, growing stronger day by day.

Tall again I can stand, not by anything that I could have done.
Bright and alive, I'm ready again to meet what the lies ahead!
It's a miracle, one that I just can't understand.

As many questions that are left unanswered, the answers are all out there waiting.
Just a peek out the window, and I can't help but stand amazed -

The wide open sky, 
the white clouds hanging high,
the deep blue ocean,
a baby being born yet another creation.

And there at that moment I know, I just know it
that like a petal, I'm not on my own.
That like stem, I was created for something more than myself,
even though I may not see it at the present time.
Just peering out into the marvel of life's inexplicable phases,
I begin to sense a work that has been spun into action way before time.

The work that was shown to us, on one very Christmas day.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


So here I am, still halfway through my trip in Melaka and I'm totally amazed that there is actually WiFi here!

It's only day 3 but yet, this place is starting to feel like home.

The friendships I've made, not only with the people I'm working with, but also with the children that I've encountered through the many assembly programs and WOW hour lessons.

I will miss them, I will really miss them. I know I've said it once two years ago during my first trip, but even more so this time. This time, I no longer am satisfied, to be doing half the work, only engaging the children at the first level. I can no longer just teach and be contented, that they've learnt a few more grammar words, or how to express themselves more freely.

I want to be a part of their lives - watching them grow day by day, guiding them through life's ups and downs. But more than that, I want to help them see, that there is so much more to be lived in this life, for we were created for something way beyond ourselves.

 So much more, that it took the Son of God to lay down His very own life on the cross, that for those who truly believe may be able to relate to God.

I want to this, with my life, my entire life.

My soul
My life
My all
Laid down for the sake of truth
For many have not come to see
That God reigns high and lifted up

My heart
My will
My hands
I put them to work for the life I live
For given to me it was from God
To make Him known for eternity.

One life is all I have
One man is all I am
But a fool is he
Who fails to see
God and His Kingdom's reach