Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sometimes, the hardest of answers come from the simplest of questions:

What does your heart truly desire

and what are you willing to give for it?

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I'm just so bored of life...

Everything just seems to be planned out already, and I'm just going through all of it just because.

The pains, the joys, the bitterness, the happiness, oh everything and it just cycles over again, and again, and again, and again till that supposed timing where God will come back.

Well, since I already kinda figured out life's gonna be like that, why don't you just get to the bringing me home part?

What will it take for me to go home?

When does a person go back home God, when?

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sometimes, I miss who I was...

Reading the posts off my old blog brought back a lot of memories - memories that could bring me immense joy and also those that made me shiver in shame and disappointment.

But man, when I look at all of that in light of what God has done for me, in His grand plan of salvation, man... Am I so so soooo blessed.

For all the hurt and pain I've caused,
For all the right and good that I have done,
For all that the good Lord has used me to accomplished,
I stand back and marvel in awe, speechless.

I thank the Lord for not destroying who I am, but for redeeming me so that I may use whatever He has given me to enjoy Him!

To enjoy His promises, to enjoy His challenges, to enjoy His teachings and to enjoy all that He throws at me in this lifetime.

Thank You God,
For Grace to see and to live in the consciousness of Your reality.
Thank You God,
For assurance and bliss in the grand plan of salvation.
Thank You God,
Just thank you.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

We Are Alive

"For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit." 1 Peter 3:18

As Christians, it can be so easy to forget the significance of who Jesus is and his ministry on earth. But if our faith is not about wanting to become more and more like Him - in every single way possible, then I believe we should take time to look at the object and the basis of our faith.

Yes, we all have our own personal struggles. You may look at it and go, "Hey! I'm only human! What do you want me to do? Kill all my feelings of emotions, lay aside all my personal rights and hide in a cave and  pray to some God whilst chanting His scriptures out loud?"

Well, no. That's not what being a follower of Jesus demands.

Although, I wouldn't say you are entirely wrong either.

Indeed, being a christian demands a complete and utter surrender to Christ. But that's an incomplete picture.
Rather, being a christian expresses a complete and utter transformation - not of our own, but of a supernatural and divine origin.


Some friendships, last for awhile.
Some friendships, last for a little longer.
Others, do last a little longer than a lifetime.

What comes to your mind when you think of a friend? For me, I think of a sun-streaked sky, a long stretch of cornfields and an infinite land left unexplored. Waiting. For me and my pals to head off and never turn back.

What comes to your mind when you think of a friend? For me, I think of those short moments on a lazy afternoon, cruising along in a car, headed who knows where.

What comes to your mind when you think of a friend? For me, I think of the people I want to see today, tomorrow and up in heaven when God takes me home.

Will you be there my friend? All I want, is to see my friend again and to shake his hand when we meet face to face.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

We all want to be loved by somebody, to matter and to be needed. This is a reality that we can't deny.
Be it to find attention from our parents, connection with our friends or affection from BGRs, we all want to be important to somebody around us.

But what seems harmless, can actually bring more hurt and pain to us when not dealt with sensitively and objectively. Have we paused to ask, to who's expense do we carry on to search for this love among people till we're satisfied?

Don't let your need for love blind your sense of objectivity. Cos sometimes, sorry just aint good enough one's the damage has been done.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sometimes, we cry to find ourselves. We cry to remember, who we are and how we were made to be.

I don't know why, but at that moment of time, that just seemed like the right thing to do. No, it wasn't about work-stress, neither was it about a girl, but it just felt like something just wasn't right in the world.

Such is the consequence of sin in the world. The corruption and the devastation of a fallen world. When life was meant to be lived fully for, by and with the Creator, we have been taken by our own shame to live for ourselves.

18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness Romans 1:18

Over the past few weeks, while I was serving and playing alongside my fellow brothers and sisters, I felt a silent yet overwhelming sense of joy. It was quiet, that it allowed my soul to rest in its' sweetness and yet, it filled my entire bones and made me quiver with excitement. What was next? What would come? How more will this life bring us time, to experience God's goodness and grace in our lives.

I see it now, the day when my Father returns. The day when all things wrong will be made right and where pain and suffering will be but a thing of the past. The day, where I can look my God in the eyes and not have a care in the world, for I'll be able to love Him fully and unreservedly. 

The day, where I can see my brothers and sisters for eternity, and spend the rest of it worshipping and praising the One who created us all.

I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent. Luke 15:7

Indeed, we can find love in a seemingly hopeless place, 
for the Hope of eternity has come down to earth.