Tuesday, January 4, 2011

For the very fact that we can have a single breath, let us rejoice!

Many times, I struggle to spend even a few moments with God, just reading His word. Other times, I find it hard to live as God would have me - pleasing myself and placing myself as king often, leaving myself bitter and torn, but yet I still continue to do so each time.

You know the deepest desires of my heart Lord, let my prayer be of dependance and trust, that the problems and the sinful desires of the heart will continue to pierce and sting, but Your Spirit will continue to bring me closer to You, so that I may truly find joy and freedom in living a life free from enslavement to rebelling and living against You.

Luke 1:5-25

1. Our lives have already been predetermined from before we even existed.
2. There is no such thing as a random occurrence, all things happen according to how God has intended for it too.


1. Recognise that ALL things happen according to how they should - the question is not why does it happen, or how could such a thing have happened but rather, how should I respond knowing, that my King's plan is being slowly unravelled to His people?

2. My life must reflect that there is a King - Love for Him in a relationship, obedience to His word and a life that points other people to Him, a trumpet that sounds in the desert.

3. I am a child of God. What or rather, who do I truly treasure?


1. I should not fear to do what I know is right - be it correcting another person, even if it causes tension and discomfort ; but having said that, be ready to walk with them, endure their bitterness towards  me but still , love them as the King would have me.

2. This is my Father's world and I am His child. In my tiredness or sinful desires, I must love people the way Christ would - if that even means turning people away to rest when I know that what I say will not be pleasing to my King but rather, gratifying my own sinfulness.

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