Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Last night while I was asleep, I had a rather interesting encounter...

I had a dream that I was living with this elderly man, who was at the prime of his life. He taught me many things, and we really loved each other - laughing, crying, sharing our joys and pains. One day while we were at a concert, I decided that I wanted to write a note to him, to share the joy of the good news with him. So after the concert was done, I walked up to him. But when I looked into his eyes, something was amiss. I dropped the note and I ran to kneel beside him. His breathing was heavy, his eyes were tired, he dropped forward onto me. Catching him, I screamed for help - but no sound came out. I yelled, pleaded and cried desperately, but no one could hear or rather - no one would listen. I had to leave him on that chair, I told him it was only going to be for awhile, I was going to get help, but he didn't respond. I dashed down the flight of stairs, past people who were oblivious that a life was slowly diminishing... I ran into the general office and yelled again, and now sound came out. The staff at the desk looked confused. I mouthed out the words 'first-aid kit' and just keep pointing wildly in the air. Finally she got it, and she reluctantly passed it to me. I snatched it and I dashed back up. Running back to the hall, I searched everywhere for him, but he was nowhere to be found. He was gone. All that was left, was the note I had written and the memories we had, even a few moments before his life had ended. Before the concert had even begun, the simple hug, the joyful look in his eyes and that smile of love and approval. They were all gone...

When I woke up, I begin to ponder... What could all this mean?
I just thought back about what I read in another brother's blog.

We spend all our lives, with our loved ones - sharing all our pains, joys, sorrows with each other. We think that we have all the time in the world with each other, but we never realised, that time was never in our hands. We were never the makers of our own destiny. One moment, we could be happy and alive but the next, our lives could be found hanging on a thread... If we truly loved the people around us, why on earth we would not share with them the greatest news - the gospel. Where is our sense of urgency, for the people around us? Do we just care to meet their daily needs - to affirm that their clothes look good on them, that we should try food from this japanese stall, to go to universal studios together but yet at no point of time, ever tell them about the wonderful news of what God's salvation plan for all those who believe in Him?

I think we should rethink, what we truly value about the people around us. Do we truly love them, or are we just simply enjoying the comforts of having them around without ever thinking for a moment, that without the gospel, they are already dead?

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