Sunday, October 30, 2011


When time freezes over
And the moment is stuck in replay.

What you want to keep stays lodged
In your mind,
But sometimes really what matters is put aside.

Why do we put ourselves through
The trauma, I'll never know.

Yet still in the midst of the pain,
there lies a quiet solace where
Only reliving it once more may
The memories slowly fade away...

Friday, October 21, 2011

What is one event in your life that has changed you as a person?

Life is truly a beautiful work of art. We will never be able to fully appreciate it until the day it is finally completed. From the vast expanse of the skies, to the depths of the deepest oceans, the glory of a sunset sky, to the intricacy of human life itself. Each day, I can but only stand amazed and marvel at how this giant canvas is slowly unraveling itself before me.

Having said that, it can be a terrifying thought, not knowing what lies ahead. Everyday, we are forced to make decisions, be it big or small that could change the course of our fate. But one thing I believe, is that every breath I take, is a gift not to be taken for granted and that with whatever ability and wisdom I’ve been given, I must put it to use for the benefit of others.

As much as I’d like to just sit here and imagine how perfect the world is, such as the case of the colours of a rainbow, I know that there are people out there who are dying, alone, with no comfort or even hope. Though I know that I can’t do everything to help, but truly as the songwriter Josh Wilson puts it, “I refuse to do nothing.”
This desire, to try and live selflessly for others begin one Sunday morning, as I was listening to the band in church playing a famous hymn called ‘It is Well with My Soul’. At the end of the day, the lyrics of the hymn left a deep tugging in my heart to find out the story behind the song. What I found out shook me to the core.

The story goes that Horatio G. Spafford, a Christian lawyer, was about to venture on a missionary trip to Great Britain. Wanting to give his family of four daughters and his wife a short vacation due to the calamities that had befallen them two years before, he arranged for them to travel together to Europe. However, Horatio was delayed due to an urgent business transaction he had to make. Nevertheless, he sent the rest of his family ahead on the S.S. Ville du Havre, planning to follow in a few days time. Alas, the ship carrying Horatio’s family was struck by another vessel and in a matter of minutes, it was lying at the bottom of the sea. A few days later, Horatio simply received two words from his wife, ‘saved alone’, sealing the fate of his four daughters.

What moved me, was that Horatio still went on his trip and as he passed the exact spot where the ship had sunk, he penned down the words of the song, acknowledging his sorrow but yet, holding on firmly to the hope that he was soon to share with the people in Britain.

This is how the first stanza goes:

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I wanna be able to stand before God, and hear Him say those words

"With You my child, I'm well pleased."

that's all

that's enough for me

from all the hurt i could've done to people

from all the love I could've stolen from a girl

from all the joys i could've stolen from my friends

He kept me from doing all that

and helped me to love Him and love others

That's enough