Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Need and the Urgency of the Gospel!

In order to understand why there is a need and furthermore, an urgency for the Gospel to be preached, we must first come to reckon with how serious the effects of sin are and more so, HOW angry God really is with it.

Romans 1:18 says, "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth."

One thing I've come to learn as I continue to study scripture, is that there are no wastage of words. Every single word is key and important to bringing out the extent of the message.

God is not just angry at sinful man, and it is certainly not the kind of anger that we understand (Where you just shoot of a mouth of vulgarities, throw a chair or even physically abuse them).

So exactly how angry is God?

Well, let me just put it this way. God is so angry, that He sent His very own Son to die to overcome death (Not just physical, but a separation from the relationship we were meant to enjoy with Him eternally), the ultimate consequence of sin.

We must understand, that at creation (the very beginning, Genesis), man was created to co-exist in a perfect relationship with God - where He say what what and we do what what! But because man wanted to be God, where we called our own shots and live by our own standards, we went against His warning about eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and there death was born!

Even in this small account, we can see how disgusting sin really is.
Because sin is not just a mere act of doing wrong things, or doing bad things that hurt people.
Ultimately, sin is terrible, because it is an outright rebellion to the God who created us, and a disregard to this relationship He intended for us.

And there are very real consequences to sin - we can see it in how we fail to relate rightly with one another, when we abuse creation, when we hurt ourselves. But the ultimate consequence of sin, is to face judgment by God and finally, to be separated from God Himself.

Now at this point of time, I'm sure many of you will either respond two ways. The first way, is to be really terrified about this truth, because there seems to be no way out of this situation and the Lord of the heavens is coming for you.
The second way, is to just close this link right now and just skiddadle off into whatever you've been doing. But you'd be missing the good part, literally.

Yes, God's justice certainly sounds harsh. But...

Because of His great love, while we were still rebels, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to die on the cross to take upon the punishment that was meant for us! Unlike us, Jesus Christ was completely sinless and he did not deserve to be mocked, insulted, spat at and finally crucified.

However, that was not the end. For God raised Jesus Christ from the dead 3 days later! Jesus had overcome death, and the consequences of which it bought! And the beauty of it all, was that all those who were God's people, could claim that victory because their Lord had bought it for them with the ultimate price! Not only are we no longer destined for condemnation, but for redemption!

But, knowing and embracing this truth for yourself is not enough (whether you are a Christian or not), because if you truly believe in the message of the gospel, it will totally and radically transform the way you are living your life! You no longer live for yourself, your own sinful pleasures and desires for you have a new Master, and that is God Himself!

This is what everyone needs to know! This is the good news of which we preach! It is life in itself!

So do not fear, let us go out and preach this good news, for it is the greatest news anyone will hear in this life time!

For the dead to know and receive life, what greater thing should anyone need?

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